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veggie greetings
SoCal VegFest

Peace lovin' folk at SoCal VegFest with the latest buzz from the VEG world. Please enjoy, and share widely!

Vitamin B12 supplementation is necessary if you're eating mostly or exclusively plant food - learn more
about us

Our community is powered by caring people everywhere who are dedicated to promoting a compassionate, sustainable, healthy lifestyle. More than a guide to restaurants and health food stores, HappyCow is your one-stop resource for everything VEG.

Join us
Web news and updates
Toronto VegFest Video
Discover Vegan Toronto

Join teamCow as we navigate the exciting vegan food scene this Canadian city. Watch our video from Veg Food Fest with interviews and see the colorful array of food & treats. Have a look at photos of Cow and fans. Read local vegan Melissa's insider scoop.

Vegan Recipes
Eat Peace n' Be Merry

Celebrate life and family with cruelty-free recipes shared by Cow members. Make a batch of oat crunchies for guests to nibble on. Pass around a plate of raw-vegan tuna nori rolls. Present a cauliflower salad with golden berries. Serve warming veggie wonton soup with broccoli muffin. Jazz up the festivity with sriracha mushrooms. For dessert dazzle guests with pumpkin in syrup or as pie pudding.

Healthy living marketplace

Give Compassion Dining
Highlighting the world's best vegan restaurants
and their unique recipes. Buy a copy or gift one.

The HappyCow Cookbook

Vegan Good Life
A magazine from Germany
that celebrates beauty and ethics.

Vegan Good Life
Napfenyes Restaurant - Budapest
Napfenyes Restaurant - Budapest
Two locations in the city providing sumptuous vegan cuisine with also pizza and pastries. reviews >
The Silver Seed - Fort Collins
The Silver Seed - Fort Collins
Serves tasty goodness on wheels with organic sandwiches, smoothies, and juices. reviews >
VegeDelight - Quakers Hill
VegeDelight - Quakers Hill
Offers a fusion of pure vegetarian Indian, Italian, and Chinese cuisines in Sydney suburb. reviews >
Greenway - Antwerp
Greenway - Antwerp
Yummy veggie fast food from breakfast to sweets; also outlets in Leuven, Brussels, Ghent. reviews >
EcoCentro - Ibiza
EcoCentro - Ibiza
An organic vegetarian deli, restaurant, and shop that also hosts live music events. reviews >
VO2 Vegan Cafe - Cambridge
VO2 Vegan Cafe - Cambridge
Grab a delicious sandwich or a donut and smoothie - at the front of O2 Yoga Studio. reviews >
Delhi Indian Cuisine - Las Vegas
Delhi Indian Cuisine - Las Vegas
Cooks authentic Indian cuisine and is able to cater for vegetarian and vegan guests. reviews >
Oliver's Real Food - Australia
Oliver's Real Food - Australia
Veg-friendly organic fast food eatery with 15+ outlets, in New South Wales and Victoria. reviews >
Community bulletin
Kickin with the cow

* Congratulations to the 10 cowlings who will each receive a copy of The HappyCow Cookbook from our facebook give-away.
* Kudos to our entire team of Ambassadors -- your dedication to promoting compassion & sustainability energizes us!
* We give thanks to Australia's Karla, Aaron, Jas, and "verbosity" for making our AU content more comprehensive.
* To Jimmy in Singapore, Stevie in Hong Kong, and Jon in France we appreciate you for being SuperCow Ambassadors.

join the movement >
news headlines
Guinness beer to be vegan in 2016
Australian actor Liam Hemsworth talks about his new vegan diet
"Lisa the Vegetarian," the Simpsons episode that changed the image of vegetarians on American television
The faux meat revolution
English soccer team is world's first vegan football club
Psychology researcher offers tips for positive, effect vegan advocacy
The incredible edible Vegg
Take a peek inside the Beyond Meat plant-meat lab kitchen
Thank you. Your participation makes our service possible.
- Eric, Diana, Shanti, and the Cows
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