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Animals were tested on, it wasn't required by the FDA, and this doesn't meet the definition of vegan, which is a stance against animal exploitation. Impossible Foods has clearly stated that the testing was voluntary on their part (not required), and furthermore, they are open to testing on animals again in the future. Ask them yourself: Since you took the liberty of stating an opinion about the animals tested on "just getting a good meal", I'll state that it's naive to believe that animals being exploited for testing an ingredient were just given a nice meal and were happy to do so. Impossible Foods tested on rats, and 188 rats died. But if you're saying they tested on pigs, then I wasn't aware of this. I'm not opposed to a vegan individual eating Impossible Foods, however, I am opposed to a company being called 'vegan' that tests on animals and hasn't taken a stance against future testing.

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