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Vegan just means to be against animal cruelty. And going vegan for any other reason, health, environment, diet simply isn't enough as people don't take it seriously and research the cruelty enough, let alone speak for the animals in hell. I've know in the closet vegans my whole life, I didn't know were vegan until I went vegan and activist and then suddenly they popped up. People I worked with for decades for e.g. no vegan who is FTA would ever say "15 minutes of cruelty" is too harsh and when we're showing the cruelty in our Anonymous for the Voiceless cube of truths, we do ask people if the 15 minutes is worth it. It is the most efficient and effective way to help people go vegan. Food is not enough to make anyone go vegan and anyone saying the "15 minutes" will deter them still have fragile ego and sensitivity issues to deal with as spite is not a good enough reason to still pay for animal abuse. I love food and real food (plants) is delicious but we must show people the why to go vegan, and the how will come naturally because they will not want to keep hurting animals. That's what drove me to be vegan and a voice for the animals (which helps others go vegan)