BethanyDavis's profile
Our family follows a plant-based lifestyle for our health, to benefit all people of the world, as stewardship of the environment and our planet's resources, and out of compassion and respect for animals. I am an advocate for plant-strong nutrition, health & lifestyle. I'm a vegan community event organizer for Sacramento Vegan Chef Challenge, 1000 Vegan Cupcakes for Charity, and Vegan Fall Fest & Picnic. "Behold what manner of Love the Father has given unto us; that we should be called the children of God!" ...Been living in Sacramento area for past 26 years! Looking forward to reconnecting with friends from all over...grew up Army brat/ P.K.! I'm now married to my best friend & soulmate, Scott (aka Big Fish)! He is my strongest advocate and partner in life & parenting, etc., and also a teacher (4th grade) I love coming home to him every day! ( : We are greatly blessed...are celebrating our 10th anniversary this year! We have 3 kids: Chris (23) graduated from Sac State with a theater arts degree; Brianna (21) is a senior at St. Mary's College in Maraga, & Lacey (16) a junior at Woodcreek High School. I'm a K-12 home school teacher with a local charter school. Love my job (but it can be overwhelming at times...!) Transitioning to career in plant-based nutrition education. (: We are members of St. John's Lutheran Church in Sacramento. We love pets: 3 mutt-leys, 3 guinea pigs...etc.!
Active 4 yrs ago
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