Community: Members: Profile

HaganFarms5's profile

HaganFarms5 picture



Mostly Veg

Lifelong Texas farmers, Christians, and country folk; not your typical plant-eater's stereotype! We are just recently beginning to see the need to move away from indulging on the animal-based food market BS, even though my wife (the smart half!) has tried to get me to move this direction for 32 years. We have always been pro-veg, but now I more clearly see the importance of leaving behind the heavy price we pay for eating meat in this country. And all the baggage that comes along with it . . . I always have said to people that "If you eat, you are involved in agriculture". But now I understand more clearly that WHAT we eat greatly determines what kind of agriculture we have; demand writes the script for ag-market reality. Therefore, I now see it matters greatly what we eat. So, I am changing.

Active 9 mos ago

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