Community: Members: Profile

LoKaLSonAntiBouSHet's profile


Ludlow, MA, USA


Akorda!/Wakker Worden/Weik ap/SveLhati/проснуться!... if yi have a SOL!! Sei NO & NonKonform to the ProPaGanda/PoLushon/Wichkraft/ Laiz! of the Fashist/Feik, Nasa/WaLLSt/HoLiWIERD(Hollywood)/Kovid Kross Kyube World Order, Pan/Naga/Gei/ DeviL KabaL!....... A Fri, TaimLess, MoraL/Honest/Fair/Good, Mind/FLat Aerth ReLm w/out the SouLLess KonArtists and their Skamz! .......Believ in a ReaL Supernatural Power of Good!......Not Korrupt/Feik Bibles, Jesuit Vatikan Vampires/ Kuranz/Judaism/ Vedas/ Masons, KabaLists, Zionists/ Siontolojists/ Athiests.. .. or other KuLt/Relijionz/Houkses, wich are all Fashist, Laiz. Kwiir, Misojonist, Sadistik, masokist, natalist, Fear Mongoring/Violent/Fake, Mind KonTroLL Sorseri/AstroLoji Wichkraft, DeviL Worshiping Farses/iLLushonz, like their Korupted/Perverted, Divide & Konkur MiLieTariz/ Govts(DemonKrazi(Democracy)is a houks), PoLieTriks/Korporazions, Media/Moviez/Myuzik, Sionse(Zions)/Skuulz(schools), Sports and private Banks that are also part of it. Be yor Own Individual Leader of Pease & Good, while supporting each other, under the Supreme Power of Good. Entendes? Eskrevo palavras ke soam komo as Letras :)

Active 10 hrs ago

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