MarikaMarcuzzi's profile

I have been eating vegan for 10 years now. I have eaten in quite a few vegan and vegetarian restaurants but never reviewed until 2020 when I had more time because of covid. I have been searching for vegan restaurants on HappyCow for quite a while though, so I thought I should contribute myself as well and give back to the HappyCow community!😄 I might be a little too critical in my reviews because so far, the best place with the best vegan meals is: our home! Restaurants that really made me enthusiastic are rare and I found only two so far that topped the meals that my husband and I are cooking at home. In many restaurants, the vegan meals taste the same, with the same spices... Anyhow, I am still curious to try every vegan restaurant I can find on my way and I will be happy to share my opinion about it. By the way, I like to sing:
Active 6 mos ago
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