Artichoke Mushroom Cashew Spread

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    Place the cashews in a bowl and soak them in enough water to cover them by an inch. Soak them for at least 1 hour (you could soak them up to 24 hours. The longer you soak them the creamier the final dish will be).
    Once the cashews are done soaking, place them along with the artichoke hearts, lemon juice, basil, salt and sugar in a food processor.
    Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a pan and saute the mushrooms for 4 minutes, stirring intermittently.
    Add mushroom to food processor and process until all ingredients are combined (you don’t want it smooth like paste, you want there to be some texture but make sure there are no big chunks of cashews).
    Place mixture in a mixing bowl and add the vegan mayo. Stir to combine and if you have time, chill for 1 hour.


    1 cup cashew nuts
    1 6-ounce jar artichoke hearts, drained
    1 teaspoon lemon juice
    1/2 cup packed fresh basil
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon sugar
    1 teaspoon olive oil
    2 cup mushroom, sliced
    3 tablespoon vegan mayonaise

    Serving Size

    1 bowl

    Prep Time

    20 minutes + soak and chill time

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      Points +560

      Posted on 27 Jul 2015



      Points +560

      Posted on 27 Jul 2015


      Artichoke Mushroom Cashew Spread

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